Louis Willemse, a veteran guide and long-time supporter, guide trainer and Assessor for FGASA, aimed to provide a development opportunity for qualified guides looking to expand their knowledge and skills. This course was designed to immerse these guides in the world of Marine Guiding.

The course was set to begin just as the Western Cape experienced forceful winds and heavy rains. The initial venue for the course quickly flooded, necessitating a last-minute cancellation. Adding to the challenges, Louis fell ill and was hospitalized about a week before the course was to start. However, challenges often present opportunities, and Louis was not easily defeated.

Dalfrenzo Laing, one of Louis’ former students, swiftly took up the baton. Now the Assistant Manager at the De Hoop Collection and a highly experienced guide mentored by Louis for 15 years, Dalfrenzo embodied Louis’ “failure is not an option” approach. He organised and managed all logistics, relocating the venue from Struisbaai to De Hoop Nature Reserve.

The course structure consisted of three months of self-study, culminating in a week of intensive lectures facilitated by Prof. Gavin Manefeld from the University of the Western Cape and Dr. Andre Marais. The course successfully graduated 11 participants, including three of Louis’ former students: Dilshaad Anthony, Vincenzo Neethling, and Nazeer Anthony, all of whom now work for De Hoop Collection.

Great stories of success often involve many contributors. Dalfrenzo extends much of the credit and his deepest appreciation to Brandwacht Nature Reserve’s Stephan Knoetzer, Joslin Bauer (Louis’ guide training partner), and William Stephens, the founder of the De Hoop Collection. William played a crucial role in managing and organising the course, providing accommodation for attendees and lecturers at no cost, and covering additional expenses.

“You can’t pull off something like this without people like William and Louis. A lesson I learned from them both is that there’s no such thing as ‘no’. You must take charge and do what needs to be done. In the end, it was just a matter of pulling everything together,” says Dalfrenzo. Despite the unpredictable start, Dalfrenzo and the team are hopeful this initiative will continue.

The course graduation was attended by Michelle du Plessis, the Managing Director of FGASA. The association is incredibly proud of these achievements, not only for successfully conducting the course but also for the hard work of each student in completing the FGASA Marine Guide qualification. Congratulations to you all!