We recently held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year March 2023 to February 2024. Despite facing challenges, we are pleased to report that FGASA continues to grow, develop, and make positive strides toward achieving its goals.

FGASA, along with various industry stakeholders, has addressed the issue of the expiry and restructuring of the guiding qualifications framework within CATHSSETA, SAQA, and the QCTO. The team has worked tirelessly with others to develop the new guiding qualification framework and secure an extension for the enrolment in the pre-2009 SETA legacy qualifications. This extension ensures ample time to develop new theoretical and practical outlines, enabling the guide training industry to function effectively. We are pleased to announce that the much-needed extension has been granted, and subject matter experts are currently developing the new guiding qualifications frameworks.

Read more about the Skills Programmes Extension

Post-COVID, there has been a significant increase in nature-based tourism and travel, leading to high demand for well-trained, professional, and ethical nature guides. FGASA and our endorsed training Delivery Partners have been well-attended, providing new and established guides with a sustainable, professional career pathway that encourages continuous self-development through various FGASA qualifications. We are committed to continually improving our course materials, both theoretical and practical, to make them more accessible to our members.

We also bid a stoic farewell to Stephen Beal, who has served as our FGASA Board of Directors Chair for the past five years. Stephen has generously and diligently served the association, and now, Juan Pinto will step in as the new Board of Directors Chair. FGASA introduced a policy a few years ago requiring the Board of Directors Chair to step down every three years. This ensures a continuous influx of fresh ideas and directions for FGASA’s development and offerings to our members. We thank Stephen for his invaluable contributions and for helping the association reach new heights.

Stephen Beal, former Chairman of the FGASA Board of Directors

Juan, we are excited to work with you as our new Board of Directors Chair. Your vast experience in guiding, hospitality, and the safari tourism sector will be invaluable as the association develops further. You have inspired countless nature guides to follow the FGASA career path, demonstrating dedication and motivation in their skills development and professional growth. There is no one better suited to leading FGASA!

Juan Pinto, FGASA Scout and Chairman of the FGASA Board of Directors

Over the past financial year, FGASA saw 2,368 new enrolments, both physical and online, through our endorsed Delivery Partners and directly through FGASA. We conducted 1,930 exams, including Nature Site Guide NQF2 through to the Professional Field Guide level, Advanced Astronomy, Trails Guide, Marine Guide, and Nature Enthusiast. Our Assessors carried out 1,684 practical assessments across all FGASA qualifications, with an impressive 89% success rate. Congratulations to all our successful candidates!

The FGASA Transformation Guide Development Initiative also saw excellent results, successfully qualifying 68 new guides. This initiative aims to provide learning and training opportunities to those without the necessary resources. With sponsored learning materials and the support of dedicated mentors, assessors, and facilitators, we are breaking down barriers and helping passionate individuals achieve their career goals. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this initiative and played a key role in turning dreams into realities.

Community Guides in Akagera National Park, Rwanda, proudly display their new FGASA learning materials. Training facilitated by FGASA Assessor Henry Parsons.

FGASA continues to steadily expand its footprint across the continent. We are proud and excited to announce that we now have FGASA-trained guides operating in 11 different countries, including the island of Mauritius. This expansion encompasses both theoretical training and practical assessments conducted by our highly experienced facilitators, mentors, and assessors. This initiative brings the FGASA standard of professionalism, ethics, and guiding excellence across Africa. We are encouraged to see the association growing and developing in this way, ensuring holistic and immersive experiences in a variety of environments and ecosystems throughout the continent.

The FGASA footprint throughout Africa.