
FGASA News Flash NDT relief fund

The NDT committed to a relief fund for all registered guides in the form of 3 payments, over 3 months. It is reported that many guides received one payment last year and no further payments from the NDT guide relief fund. FGASA has investigated this and can report that there could [...]

January 27th, 2021|

FGASA guide discovers new plant in Ai-Ais

Pieter van Wijk Seeing that Pieter van Wyk works in an area that is not easily accessible electronically, we turned to the man that trained him (and whose wife taught Pieter in junior school) Louis Willemse, for some insight into Pieter's most recent plant discovery. Pieter spent a large part of [...]

December 24th, 2020|

LIC CEO taking Conservation Education by storm

Dean Carlisle, together with a group of young, like-minded individuals’ heads up an organization called Lessons in Conservation. As 2020 winds down, David Batzofin asked him about the year and how COVID-19 has affected him, his team, and working in the conservation industry. D.C: My name is Dean Carlisle. I have [...]

December 24th, 2020|

FGASA Q & A Sessions with David Batzofin

 Julius Mkize Julius was one of the finalists in the Safari Guide of the Year 2019 and he walked away as the proud recipient of the Ambassador Award. He is one of the highly trained FGASA guides working in the industry currently. D.B: Tell me your name and your FGASA qualifications? [...]

December 24th, 2020|

FGASA Festive Season Office Closure

The FGASA Offices will be closed as follows: Head Office 18th December 2020 Hoedspruit 15th December 2020 Port Elisabeth 15th December 2020 Namibia 15th December 2020 All offices open on 11 January 2021. We wish you a wonderful and safe festive season. The FGASA Team

December 10th, 2020|

FGASA endorsed Bhejane collaborates with Somkhanda Community Game Reserve

As the Covid-19 restrictions on movement and activities are gradually eased, the Somkhanda Community Game Reserve is turning its attention to re-opening its hospitality facilities and resuming its training activities. The preparation includes Somkhanda collaborating with Bhejane Nature Training in a three-year partnership to empower young people in the northern KZN [...]

July 15th, 2020|